====== BNP Paribas ====== * Le 20 mars, la banque BNP Paribas a été prise pour support d'une tentative d'hameçonnage "franco-française". ===== L'appât (reçu par courriel) ===== {{ start:bnp-paribas-2003.png }} * La banque BNP Paribas a servi de support à plusieurs tentatives d'hameçonnage durant le week-end du 20 mars. Au moins deux courriels ont ainsi été expédiés. * Techniquement, le message est composé (en HTML) d'une simple image qui pointe vers une site dont l'URL longue est supposée induire l'imprudent internaute en erreur. * Le courriel est accompagné d'un texte en anglais sans signification particulière ni relation avec l'appât dans le but, selon toute vraisemblance, de tromper les solutions antispam : **Premier courriel** Summer place? Do you get me? Paul dived for it, not caring if the cloud meant death instead of unconsciousness this time. "No,she said. Now he could hear the crunch of its snow tires. "Why not?" He managed a big foolish grin. Now she was holding the cross like a spear, the dirt darkened point of its vertical post pointed squarely at the trooper's back. Now he heard the eager squeal of the pig she had thought he would mind, but he thought Misery was a wonderful name for a pig. **Second courriel** Look at me! Spit shone on her teeth. If he could do it this morning, he could just maybe he could derail the depression he sensed coming on before it could get a real start. The back was full of video equipment. 20There were beads of blood in its whiskers. He heard the blade squeal against bone as she wrenched it free. Bedroom. You had to peer and crane to see anything at all, and more often than not the really important things happened outside your field of vision. They'll go all along his route, looking for him and trying to find out where he stopped, you know, showing up. * L' "originalité" de cet hameçonnage repose sur le fait qu'il cible très précisément les internautes français.